вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

cello guitar duet

The ride on Bus #2 today was dominated by a cell phone conversation a young woman in the back was holding. She was clearly very angry, and a little more listening gave me some indications why.

"You need to stop threatening me."
"If I have to make that call, I will. I donapos;t give a fuck."
"Yeah, Iapos;ll make the call if I need to. You just have to stop bothering me."
"If you want to start some funk, Iapos;m there. Iapos;m ready. I donapos;t give a fuck."

And so it went on, the one-sided conversation telling all I needed to know. I could fill in the blanks in the most predictable ways, and thereapos;s a good chance Iapos;m right: ex-boyfriend, possibly abusive, but now they had broken up and he was threatening her. She was going to call a friend, possibly someone better-connected, to "encourage" him to stop, but if necessary she would go at him herself.

She was a scrap of girl, too, probably in her late teens or early twenties. The abuse I inferred from the particular rhetoric sheapos;d employed, as well as the hard, cold, yet scared look in her eyes. I wondered about the phrase "I donapos;t give a fuck." She obviously did give a fuck. She was terrified, but far too tough to show it.

It made me think about a lot of things: how so many women go through these situations every day, how the phrase "I donapos;t give a fuck" is just as much of an obvious lie as "Iapos;m classy" or "Iapos;m a real man," whether or not her threat of "calling someone" necessarily involved gang activity and whether or not it would end in more violence. Mostly, I just felt a lot of sympathy for her, but I knew better than to let it show.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

advertising city oklahoma product promotional

I found a piece of flair about this and it only says the "Asian" grading system but it also refers to all overachievers in the academic world XD

A-Average ^_^

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I found a piece of flair about this and it only says the "Asian" grading system but it also refers to all overachievers in the academic world XD

A-Average ^_^

B-Bad <:-(

C-Crap -__-

D-Death O.O

F-Fucked >.<

I realized it was much easier to be an overachiever in high school than it is in college. Lol

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bloomingdale theatres

i love that line. It seems like everyone these days is a new kind of fake.� i realize yesterday that my friends (my girls) are freaking amazing.� I love being around them.

so this morning when my alarm went off (i woke up to "dont you know your love is... One of a kind... =) ) i hit snooze so i can take my five minutes to calm down and wake up.� for some reason my mind flashed to the day i took lotto training. I remember that day.... This was before there was an us.� i remember i accidentally texted him instead of my sister and i was talking about this cute brown guy who was in training with us.� he was pissed. Like jealous bf pissed.� my sister and i both found it funny.

anyways that was just a flashback.� so last night sam text me so i text him back and im like yo its really bad at our house. So hes like what happen. Im like i have to make frozen fries for myself and go to bed. So heapos;s like why didnt you tell one of your friends bring something to eat. Im like listen... Im not relying on anyone for anything.� i been doing shit on my own since that jerk off decided he wanted to shut himself out of my life. I dont need anyoneapos;s charity. I do my shit on my own because i realize when you really need someone they just ups and walk out on you.� doesnt matter to me. Its making me into the type of person you need to be in this world. Its making me realize i cant depend on anyone. But whatever.� heapos;s right though. He told me iapos;ve changed. He said heapos;s never known me to have such anger. And its true. But its not really anger as much as just growing up.�

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boone county mo circuit court

Iapos;m supposed to be sorting my life out but so far all Iapos;ve done today is clean Charlie up [Munchers has to stop eating pellets, he has a poopy bottom] and gone to the doctors. The doctors was a complete waste of time, she didnt listen to what I had to say, didnt even look at my shoulder, and just printed out the letter for the physio and sent it off again so I should get a referrel letter in the next week or so.

fucking hell.

Today I am mostly consumed with a feeling that no matter how hard I try, everything in my life is just a mess and scruffy and looks shocking. I just spent an hour cleaning my room and it just looks like a scruffy hole. Iapos;m sick of it. Iapos;m going to buy a lotto ticke tso I can buy a decent sized bedroom to actually fit my stuff into it, and hire a maid.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Chinatown dinner with The Pirate King and friends: Hooray Pirate greetings just arenapos;t formal enough without royal sanction, yapos;know?

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Chinatown dinner with The Pirate King and friends: Hooray Pirate greetings just aren#39;t formal enough without royal sanction, y#39;know?

Sorry, . The tea-roasted duck was delicious.

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so i took my friend dreapos;s advice and finally decided to start a blog since according to him my life is soo interesting. :rolls her eyes: maybe it is. I mean its not everyday u come across someone who happens to date crazy people unintentionally. My latest one was this girl i met up with almost 3 weeks ago. Iapos;m currently in an open relationship so i let her know off the bat that things between us cant get too serious. She said she was fine with it. Things were going cool we had a few dates and such, but it became weird one friday when she kept trying to get me to hangout. My sis L was in town to visit and i let her know this earlier in the week. I pretty much told her i couldnt see her cause i put aside my whole weekend to hangout with my sis. She said that was cool. An hour later she calls me and sheapos;s like "iapos;m in the neighborhood" by now iapos;m both shocked and annoyed. I dont think this is cute at all. I just told her that i wouldnt be able to hangout with her and she shows up by my house so iapos;m thinking this chick is crazy. Nevertheless i let her and introduce to her mom and L. We chill in my room for not even 15 mins (i already made plans with L to hangout at the mall) and then she leaves. Iapos;m thinking to myself what was the point of that. The rest of the day she sends me texts trying to hangout with me. Eventually i get so annoyed that i turn my phone off. I told her I would call her and she doesnt even give me a chance to make that happen. The whole weekend she blows up my phone. Me being the person i am i dont like clinginess at all. I make a vow to myself to break things off. And i do. And not a moment too soon. I tell her i think we should be friends and she seems to take it pretty well. I kinda feel bad because i havent really tried to hangout with her and iapos;ve only hit her up once since the whole incident, but i dont wanna give her any ideas or false hope. I figure its best to just let things chill for awhile. Besides that school is a pain in the neck but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Yours truly will be graduating by summer 2009. Yay. Also i played Tekken 6 and Street Fighter 4 on this past monday which was hella awesome hopefully i can make another trip to the arcade on the weekend if i can get this paper done.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

david meisel michael

Getting to bed early was definitely a good plan. I felt Much better this morning. Even though my breathing woke me up many times in the night. I have more energy, and my day is going a lot better.

Todayapos;s full. A morning of working out, breakfast, lunch anapos;nat
school all day
1 pm appointment with teacher for reading practice
3pm or so, get veggies
6pm soccer practice
where we will meet with my In-Laws and then on to dinner
home for bed.

we also need to return camping equipment to my in-laws. Everything is cleaned, it just needs to be repacked and collected.

just busy.
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